Preserve your family, your money, your time and yourself.
A Positive co-parenting dynamic is the key to family healing and children's resilience.
The Process
Oftentimes, providing a forum for parents to set expectations, boundaries, and standards for communicating the children’s needs can be a powerful step in the healing process. With a direct, thoughtful and compassionate approach, Carrie helps parents to restructure the parenting relationship in order to solve conflicts, and communicate about the often unclear needs of the children.
Families in divorce require thoughtful restructuring for all family members to thrive. The co-parenting process considers the roles each parent previously played in the family, as well as the roles each parent will need to master after divorce. The process combines this knowledge with the needs of the children to create relationships that support effective co-parenting. Meeting in a co-parenting forum, where appropriate boundaries for communication and information sharing are established, can provide a more effective and less expensive alternative to litigation.
Children require stability and predictability to access resilience. A conflictual divorce undermines the resilience process and children will often express their despair by becoming symptomatic. Typically, the legal system is accessed to assess the needs of the children and implement an appropriate plan. As is often the case, the court provides an incomplete ruling that may leave the family with a plan, and very little avenue toward successful implementation of that plan.
Working with Carrie Rosenbloom, LLC can bridge the gap between family needs and legal requirements. Carrie Rosenbloom has practiced family law and mediation and is currently dedicating her time as a licensed marriage and family therapist to help families across the country survive, thrive and move through divorce as intact as possible, no matter how conflictual or complicated.
About Carrie
Carrie Rosenbloom is a marriage and family therapist and an attorney with a former family law and mediation practice. Carrie’s desire to use her combined expertise to guide families through divorce comes from her belief that parents and children alike can thrive during and after divorce if the appropriate support and intervention is available. Carrie focuses particularly on co-parenting guidance and the related work of reunification, restructuring family systems, and rebuilding individual lives during and after divorce. Carrie has established a national practice in order to serve families in need across the country and in Canada.